

The Number 4 - Definition

Definitions of Single Numbers

The Number 4

The Number 4 vibrates to the planet Uranus. It represents individualism, originality, inventiveness, and tolerance. 4 is the number ofunconventional behaviour and sudden, unexpected events - also of genius.

A person or entity is influenced by the Number 4 if born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st day of any month in any year. People or entities born on the 4th are stamped with the distinctive imprint of the Number 4. So are those born on the 13th, 22nd, or 31st day of the month, but these will, in addition, be challenged to unlock the karmic mystery of the Compound number - 13, 22, or 31, as the case may be - in their lives. The same is true of the Single and Compound number of the name of the person or entity being analysed.

The Number 4 attitudes and characteristics will be periodically exhibited by the 4 person or entity, and will interact with the person's or entity's personality in different ways, depending on the individual Star Sign.

Impact of the Number 4 on Your Star Sign

Aquarius: The 4 vibration intensifies the Star Sign personality traits.

Leo: The 4 vibration sometimes opposes the Star Sign motives, but with effort can be used to balance the Star Sign nature.

Gemini, Libra, Aries, Sagittarius: The 4 vibration harmonises well with the Star Sign character, motives and personality patterns.

Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo, Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn: The 4 vibration is in sharp contrast with the basic Star Sign instincts. When it surfaces on occasion in the personality, the behaviour is so unusual, relative to the person's or entity's normal or natural Star Sign attitudes, it startles others, and often surprises the Number 4 person as well.

The Meaning of the 4 Vibration
The following definition of Number 4 applies to both people and entities.

4 people are seldom understood by their friends and family. They're an enigma to everyone they know. They make their own rules, and these rules don't always match those of sociery. Marked individuality colours every thought and action. If there's a different way to do anything, the 4 person will find it. Their speech and actions frequently shock others, and it often seems
the attempt to shock is deliberate. It is. 4 people live in the future, caring little about the present. They're light years ahead of others in their ideas and ideals. Going along with this trait is an innate talent for prophecy, for knowing what will happen tomorrow long before tomorrow arrives. Their life-style
ranges from unconventional to the bizarre, yet their 'crazy' ideas are successful more often than not.

Anything far out or off the beaten path appeals strongly to the 4 person's questing, curious nature. For example, a 4 person with a well-aspected Jupiter in the natal horoscope has an excellent chance to be the first person to tame and make friends with Sasquatch or Bigfoot - or locate and swim along with Nessie, the Loch Ness monster. If the 4 person also has a Scorpio Sun or Moon, the discovery, if attempted, is almost certain to be successful. That's because such incredible, unproven, and so-called unscientific theories never deter, but instead excite the 4 person, who is deeply convinced of the reality of whatever can be conceived in the mind. To be told that a thing is impossible only intensifies and spurs the 4 person's resolve to prove it is possible. The phrase "mission impossible" rings the great bells of mental challenge in the very soul of a 4 person.

Although the 4 vibration advocates change in every area of life, from politics to art, these people are strangely reluctant to accept change in their personal habits, which remain rather fixed. They can be quite stubborn when people try to dictate to them or try to mold them into a more acceptable social pattern. Because prophets are often unrecognized in their own time, and because 4 people live far into the future, their grandest and truest visions are often ridiculed or ignored. They're fascinated by U.F.O.s, and their secret wish is to be contacted and taken aboard, hopefully not to return to the chaos of Earth. Groups for equal rights attract the 4 people, who are genuinely dedicated to tolerance and brotherhood (and sisterhood). Friendship is vital to the 4 vibration, and these people - not always, but usually - have bushels of friends from all walks of life. Money means little to them; they're as likely to mix with Kings as with paupers - they care nothing about class distinction, have no desire to impress anyone, and would just as soon live in a van, a tent, or a sleeping bag as in a mansion. It's not that they're prejudiced against comfort or wealth, it's because they simply don't notice their surroundings. They live in their imaginations. One of their finest virtues is the tendency to 'live and let live'. The 4 person doesn't give a ginger snap what you do or say, however outrageous or against his or her own principles - and expects you to return the same consideration.

It's important to read the section about the numbers 4 and 8.

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