Chaldean-Hebrew Kabala Numerical Alphabet
A - 1 | H - 5 | O - 7 | V - 6 |
B - 2 | I - 1 | P - 8 | W - 6 |
C - 3 | J - 1 | Q - 1 | X - 5 |
D - 4 | K - 2 | R - 2 | Y - 1 |
E - 5 | L - 3 | S - 3 | Z - 7 |
F - 8 | M - 4 | T - 4 | |
G - 3 | N - 5 | U - 6 |
The origins of the Chaldean and Hebrew kabalistic alphabet is lost in antiquity. It's believed that the system was originated by the Chaldeans, who were adept in numerous magical arts and sciences, then passed down to the Hebrews, and the knowledge became part of the Hebrew Kabala, but no one claims to be certain who initiated it in the beginning.
The word 'Kabala' is spelled in various ways in its translation from Hebrew to English, but I prefer this spelling because it equals the Compound number 10 - and you'll see how logical that is when you read the definition of this number.
You've also probably noticed that there is no letter equalling the number 9. The accepted explanation for this, passed down orally through the centuries, is that, in the most secret esoteric orders, it has been said that the number 9 is synonymous with the 'mystery name' of the Supreme Power over life, which has 9 letters; therefore, it may not have a single letter of the alphabet representing it.
Next ... The Link Between Numerology and Astrology
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